Ep. 9 — Chef — Corey Glover (Interview Summary)
(Imagine Exposure Vodcast Guest Interview — Chef Corey Glover of Sift and Season LLC. )
- Name of Guest — Corey Glover
- Career — Chef / Personal Caterer
- How did your passions when you were a child prepare you for your career as an adult? — Chef Glover shared that his hobby turned into his business. He gave the progression by stating that, “I just loved cooking, cooking turned into social media pictures, social media pictures led to my first potential client,…which led to way more throughout the years…I found out through that hobby that God has gifted me with something that I really love to do.”
- What do they love the most about your jobs? — Chef Glover shared that meeting new people is what he loves the most. He doesn’t have a set menu so he challenges himself by catering his food preparation to suit the individual client. His clients have given him the ability to travel and he believes that this career choice is “freeing” for him. He is allowed to be as creative as a chef.
- What is the biggest challenge in your career? — Chef Glover said that the biggest challenge is grocery shopping. This is because you never know how much you need until the moment. Clients may have allergies or last minute requests so you always have to have your “tool bag” with you.
- Based on what you know now about your vocation, what advice would you give to yourself if you could go back to the first day of the job? — Chef Glover said “learn the business”. He communicated that the skill set will develop as the chef begins cooking meals for clients. He elaborated on what he meant by learning the business side which included knowing how to negotiate, set prices, develop strategic partnerships, book clients amongst other things.
- One motivational quote — Make sure you extract the juice from the fruit of life. If not, that fruit will eventually dry out, rot and it will die.
For more information on our guest:
If you would like to interact with Chef Corey Glover check out his website — www.siftandseason.com, his Instagram @siftandseason and or his Facebook page — Sift and Season LLC
For the full video interview check out: https://youtu.be/84IWpiDBgus
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