Ep. 6 — Pharmacist — Dr. Krystal Lewis (Interview Summary)
(Imagine Exposure Vodcast Guest Interview — Dr. Krystal Lewis )
Name of Guest — Dr. Krystal Lewis
Career — Pharmacist (Retail, Hospital and IT)
How did your passions when you were a child prepare you for your career as an adult? — Dr. Lewis shared that she has always loved helping others. Compassion is still a major part of her vocation and can be observed in the way that she helps patients today. She communicated that as a young person she was adventurous and willing to take on many new opportunities. In addition, she developed self discipline through having a regimented busy schedule.
What do they love the most about your jobs? — Dr. Lewis enjoys the feeling of knowing that she made a difference in regards to the (patient’s) health outcomes. She loves when the patient listens to her advice and makes the decision to change.
What is the biggest misconception in your career? — Dr. Lewis shared that most people believe that “all they do is count pills all day.” However, she communicated that was “far from the truth.” During the Covid-19 pandemic they have been “front-line” workers that administer vaccinations. They also administer flu, pneumonia and booster shots. Moreover, pharmacists help patients better access their insurance issues.
Based on what you know now about your vocation, what advice would you give to yourself if you could go back to the first day of the job? — Dr. Lewis shared that she would tell herself to “just breathe”. She recalls being scared on the first day as a pharmacist. Prior to her first day in a prominent role she had always been under another person’s supervision or leadership. She essentially feared not having all the right answers. Over time she began to see that it was ok to ask questions, phone a (knowledgeable) friend, and or do research to find the answers. Moreover, she recommends that a new pharmacist “be transparent”. She said “Calm down, you are not going to know everything…give yourself some grace.”
One motivational quote — “Desire it, own it, be it.”
For more information on our guest:
Dr. Krystal Lewis can be reached by emailing lewisk89@bellsouth.net
For the full video interview check out:
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