Ep. 5 — Graphic Designer — Macklyn Mosley (Interview Summary)
2 min readMay 27, 2021
(Imagine Exposure Vodcast Guest Interview — Macklyn Mosley of Mind of Mosma )
- Name of Guest — Macklyn Mosley
- Career — Graphic Designer (Musician and Librarian)
- How would you explain as a professional in one word and then in one sentence? Macklyn’s one word was “create”. His one sentence was “make art that impact’s our community and meets people where they are.”
- What do they love the most about your jobs? — He shared that he felt that he loved the fact that his job was freeing and dynamic. He also shared that he likes the way that he is not designing the same generic logo for everyone. (ie. Nike check or orange and blue business cards) He communicated that even his company name displays that truism. When Macklyn designs a logo for a client he felt it was a cohesive pairing of both minds and ideas. “Mind of Mosma” is both an ode to that mental process and a portion of his Star Wars name (Mosma Caroa). Last but not least, he enjoys the feeling he gets when he thinks that he got a design just right. He knows it’s right when he can sit back after looking at it and say “yep, that’s it”.
- What is the biggest challenge in your career? — Maklyn shared that the two largest challenges are pushing against the threat of losing enjoyment in his craft (or what he does “just becoming work”) and interacting with clients that are not willing to embrace the creative process.
- Based on what you know now about your vocation, what advice would you give to yourself if you could go back to the first day of the job? — Macklyn shared the need to set healthy boundaries, stand your ground when it comes to negotiation and setting rates. Moreover he shared the wisdom in appreciating the opportunity that you (the designer) has been given and to do a great job at it or “kill it” when it comes to production quality.
- One motivational quote — (his work is) an expression of his mind to help you flourish in your business.
For more information on our guest: Macklyn can be reached at this email account — mindofmosma.design@gmail.com and on all social media ( Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Clubhouse and Twitter) as @macklyndion.
For the full video interview check out:
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