Ep. 3 — Business Consultant / Entrepreneur — Gary Robinson (Interview Summary)
(Imagine Exposure Vodcast Guest Interview — Interim Director — Orangeburg Innovation Center and the Orangeburg Area Small Business Development Center)
- Name of Guest — Gary Robinson
- Career — Business Consultant / Entrepreneur
- How did your passions when you were a child prepare you for your career as an adult? — Gary shared that his father and mother showed him the importance of hard work, explained his African American heritage and taught him how to be entrepreneur at a young age. Gary shared that his parents taught him about entrepreneurship the “hard way” by encouraging him to make his own money. He started making money in the sixth grade and by the eighth grade was paying for all of his own clothes and shoes. That entrepreneurial push led him on a path that led him to be “industrious, make his own money and control his own future.”
- What do they love the most about their job? — He shared that he loved introducing his clients to resources in which they were previously unaware.
- What is the biggest challenge in your career? — Gary communicated that one of the biggest challenges is that sometimes his clients misconceptions about their business may be too big for them to overcome. He talked about doing his best to share the information despite knowing that his clients may not always take the coaching.
- Based on what you know now about your vocation, what advice would you give to yourself if you could go back to the first day of the job? — He said that while he is content in his current role and wouldn’t change much today. Prior to taking this job he “would have run a whole lot faster in his own business” or built his own business before taking the job as business consultant.
- One motivational quote — Love others regardless of themselves; despite what they do, say or think.
For more information on our guest:
Check out garyisms.net, email — grobins3@scsu.edu , Business Telephone — (803) 250–5844
For the full video interview check out (Scheduled release date July 16, 2021) : https://youtu.be/Qr3RvoZU9Z0
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